Tyga Passes Out Toys With Kylie Jenner, HOSTS LA Gear Teen Impact Holiday Party

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Rapper Tyga helped spread holiday cheer at a Children's hospital in LA yesterday. And he brought his boo thang he still won't claim to be his boo thang along for the charitable afternoon.  See pics of Tyga and his "pal" Kylie Jenner making the kids smile

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Yesterday, "Rack City" rapper Tyga and his not-yet-legal gal pal, who clearly thinks a crop top is appropriate for any ocassion, Kylie Jenner headed into the Pediatric Cancer Ward at Children's Hospital Los Angeles with a wagon full of goodies for the patients. Tyga donated gifts including gift bags from his clothing brand Last Kings, toys for all ages donated by iconic shoe brand LA Gear, Squishy Sand, Shimmer Jewelry Tattoos and speakers/headphones courtesy of 808 Audio.

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The day of giving, hosted by Tyga, was presented by LA Gear and dubbed "The Teen Impact Holiday Party."   He visited over 300 kids and treated them to a Photo Booth, green screen, dance floor, arts and crafts section, complimentary food and beverages.

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While we have no confirmation on the relationship between Tyga and Kylie, it's worth noting that she supports him in all of his charity work.  (And partying.) For Thanksgiving, we spotted her passing out turkey and veggies alongside the (former?) Cash Money rapper.

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