Marlon Wayans’ TMI: Posts Photo From Toilet With His Son


Marlon loves pushing boundaries in his comedy, and apparently in his bathroom too. The actor took to his Instagram to share a gross new picture of himself sitting on the toilet. And if you think that’s bad, wait until you see his caption!

This is toilet humor at its absolute lowest! Marlon Wayans, 42, posted this disgusting “poo” selfie on his Instagram on Dec. 16, revealing that he was “taking a sh*t” in front of his son — eww!

Marlon Wayans’ Toilet Photo With His Son — TMI!
TMI, Marlon! The comedian’s new Instagram pic definitely has us saying, “Yuck!”

The photo shows Marlon sitting in his bathroom while his young son, Shawn Howell Wayans, stands in the doorway with a dumbfounded expression on his face. While you can’t actually see that Marlon is on the toilet, his caption says it all:

“This is me on the toilet with my son telling me about his game…. I’m like what part of “I’m taking a shit don’t you understand”? #parentsgetnoprivacy #allgood#mypoosmellslikepotpourrie”

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