Jennifer Aniston Furious That She’s Dissed For Not Wanting Kids


Jennifer Aniston calls out haters as ‘rude, insulting and ignorant,’  for saying she’s too ‘selfish’ to be a mom. But does she admit she isn’t planning to have kids?
In a new interview, Jennifer Aniston, 45, expressed her anger towards the public for “the pressure” they put on her to have children. She calls people “ignorant” for assuming she doesn’t want children.

Jennifer Aniston Not Having Kids — The Pressure She Feels
Jen opened up in a new interview as she addressed the touchy subject of motherhood. “I don’t like [the pressure] that people put on me, on women—that you’ve failed yourself as a female because you haven’t procreated. I don’t think it’s fair. You may not have a child come out of your vagina, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t mothering—dogs, friends, friends’ children,” she told Allure magazine.
“This continually is said about me: that I was so career-driven and focused on myself; that I don’t want to be a mother, and how selfish that is,” Jen continued.

Jen Talks About Reason’s For Not Having Children
“I have a lot of friends who decided not to have children, who can’t have children, or are trying but are having a difficult time. There’s all sorts of reasons why children aren’t in people’s lives, and no one has the right to assume,” she explained.

Regardless of her reasoning, did she just admit she has no plans of actually having children? It sounds like it — no judgement here though. We totally get where Jen is coming from and understand her thoughts on the matter.

“It’s quite rude, insulting, and ignorant,” Jen says about the people who assume she is too “selfish” to have kids. “Even saying it gets me a little tight in my throat.”

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